“Cross,” the new Prime Video series based on James Patterson’s bestselling crime novels, stars Aldis Hodge as the brilliant and troubled detective Alex Cross. The show is a mix of police procedural and psychological thriller, focusing on Cross’s efforts to solve a series of disturbing murders in Washington, D.C. The series stays true to the essence of Patterson’s books while introducing an original storyline that keeps both longtime fans and newcomers engaged.
The show’s first season follows Cross as he navigates personal and professional challenges, including dealing with the trauma of his wife’s murder and facing a new, twisted serial killer. Aldis Hodge’s performance as Cross has been praised for its depth and nuance, bringing a fresh and compelling take on the character. The series also explores Cross’s relationships with his family and colleagues, adding emotional depth to the crime-solving plot.
“Cross” stands out in the crowded cop-drama genre thanks to its tight and satisfying slow-burn narrative. The show’s intro montage, which highlights D.C. as a character in itself, is a clever nod to the iconic Beverly Hills Cop series. The central mystery involves a horrifically twisted serial killer, and the reveal is a piece of dramatic irony that adds to the tension.
Despite some occasional stumbles, such as a villainous turn that falls apart under scrutiny, the series is largely self-contained and avoids cheap TV cliffhangers. The final episode feels a bit rushed as it ties up loose ends, but overall, the season delivers a gripping and entertaining experience. The chemistry between Hodge and his co-stars, including Isaiah Mustafa as Detective John Sampson, adds to the show’s appeal.
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