Tesla has announced its fifth recall for the Cybertruck, affecting over 27,000 vehicles. This latest recall is due to a glitch in the rear-view camera system, which causes a delay in the camera’s display when the vehicle is shifted into reverse. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has highlighted that this delay, which can last up to eight seconds, fails to meet the legal requirement of activating within two seconds, thereby increasing the risk of a crash1.

The issue stems from a software glitch that prevents the camera from displaying the rear view promptly. Tesla has assured owners that a software update will be rolled out to fix this problem. This recall is part of a series of issues that have plagued the Cybertruck since its release. Previous recalls have addressed problems with the accelerator pedal, windshield wipers, and trim pieces2.

Despite these setbacks, no crashes or injuries have been reported due to the rear-view camera issue. Tesla continues to work on improving the Cybertruck’s performance and safety features. Owners of the affected vehicles will receive notification letters by November 25, 2024, and can contact Tesla customer service for more information3.

For more details, you can read the original article on Engadget’s website here.

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